One time I turned on the television and the first thing that popped up is Pia Wurtzbach showing off her curves holding a canned Tuna. I remember this particular brand of canned Tuna is being endorsed by numerous “superbods” actors and actresses. I thought to myself, if eating fish means having their abs and slim bodies.. i will eat all the fish in the world! Seriously, I thought of that. But what makes me more enthusiastic to include fish in my diet more than its waist-slimming properties, is the fact that it is one of the key elements of a healthy diet. Eating fish regularly will enhance your health and protect you from an array of serious illnesses.
Fish has a reputation for being low calorie, high protein “brain food,” that is being brought by the long strands of polyunsaturated essential omega-3 fatty acids or what is popularly referred to as “omega-3s found in fish oil.
Omega-3s can’t be naturally produced by the human body, but yet they’re needed for a healthy body, inside and out. Although the benefit of Omega-3 to heart health has long been known, there are several new studies present even more evidence that fish high in fatty acids is essential for total-body wellness.
The good news is if you’re not a fish fan, most new research indicates that eating fish only once or twice a week can be enough to reap the benefits. If you don’t eat animal products or have trouble fitting fish into your diet, you can get your daily recommended amount of fatty acids through omega-3 DHA/fish oil supplements. Although the doctor-recommended way to consume the health benefits of fish is still by eating the real thing.
Now, here are some more amazing reasons why I consider to put more fish on my diet:
Prevent Heart Disease
Fish is high in protein. It is not high in saturated fat like most animal-based proteins. One of the biggest enemies to your heart is cholesterol. Fish contains unsaturated fatty acids which, when substituted for saturated fats such as those in red meat, may lower your cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to lower fat levels from your blood, and therefore, reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
Eating fish as little as once a week can help preserve gray-matter neurons — the part of the brain linked to memory and cognition — according to a new study presented last month at the Radiological Society of North America’s annual meeting. Researchers found that people who eat baked or broiled — but not fried — fish had larger brains and larger cells in the areas of the brain responsible for memory and learning. Scientists believe the larger brain volume can help lower the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.
Enhance Brain Function
Your body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, and so, we must obtain them directly from food. Eating oily fish like salmon, tilapia, trout, bass, catfish, tuna and all other similar types of fish will not only make you healthier, but also smarter.
Promote Bone Health
As you get older, your bone density tends to decrease. To maintain bone health, you may have to supplement your diet with calcium, the main building block for your bones. Fish contains high levels of calcium, so if you are concerned about the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, eat plenty of fish. Fish has strontium, which iseffective for treating osteoporosis. Minerals like zinc and vitamin D in seafood and shellfish encourage bone growth and strong bone collagen production.
Improves Skin and Hair
One of the biggest drawbacks to a low-fat diet is you often deprive your skin and hair of the healthy fat it needs, leaving it dull and dry. The omega-3s in fish are exactly the type of healthy fat to eat to keep your skin looking nourished and your hair shiny. Research has also linked fish and omega-3 consumption to treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis.
Enhance your Libido
Eating fish can improve your libido. It boosts sperm count and testosterone levels in men. Testosterone is also responsible for enhancing sexual performance and desire in both men and women. Eating seafood like scallops, shrimp, lobster and oysters, which are rich in iodine and zinc, are critical for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.
Boost your Mood
Eating smart also makes you happier, and it’s not only psychological. Studies have found that omega-3, and DHA found in fish oil can increase your brain’s level of chemical secretion linked to elevated mood, which helps you to cope with depression and mood swings. There are several types of fish and seafood along with other healthy
Strengthen your Immune System
Fish supplies essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, amino acids, calcium and DHA and EPA that strengthen your immune system and help to fight disease naturally
Benefits for Joint Health
The major risk in rheumatoid arthritis (a painful joint condition linked to rheumatism) is that of wearing of the joints, leading to irreparable damage. It has been proven that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids prevents arthritis and reduces discomfort in swollen and sensitive joints.
Benefits against Inflammatory Disorders and Strengthening of the Immune System
At the same time, omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory (infection preventing) function. Omega-3 can therefore be employed in the following diseases:
- Rheumatoid arthritis (joint infection linked to rheumatism),
- Osteoarthritis (a form of arthritis gradually degenerating the functions of joints)
- Ulcerative colitis (ulcers linked to the inflammation of the colon), and
- Lupus (a disease which causes patches on the skin).
- It also protects myelin (the material surrounding nerve cells).
- Glaucoma (an eye disorder marked by abnormally high pressure within the eyeball that may even lead to blindness)
- Multiple sclerosis (a serious progressive disease resulting from tissue hardening in the brain and spinal cord),
- Osteoporosis (a disease leading to structural weakening in the bone structure)
- Diabetes patients.
- Migraine patients
- Anorexia (a possibly fatal eating disorder)
- Burns
- Problems concerning skin health.
Fish is indeed a superfood food that can give us a “superbod”– both inside and out. It is beneficial for our health in many ways. It improves both our mental and physical health. It also makes us look and feel younger and strengthens our immune system.

About The Author
Cathy spends part of her days wondering how to combine her 2 loves, writing and photography. The rest of her time she spends taking care of her two babies. Sheena, a Labrador retriever & Amanda, a Siberian husky. She’s been an OLEIA user.