It felt like everything has gone back to what and where it used to be. I was excited to go back and spend my weekend in the city.
The summer heat failed to dampen my excitement. Memories flashed back: those that filled my heart with joy, most of which occurred prior to the two-year restrictions. Well, not literally but the feeling was like that.
I checked and checked the things I packed just to make sure that everything was ready for the next day’s itinerary. Walking shorts, check. Tops, check. Sunglasses, check, Sneakers, check.
Hygiene kit, check. And the list went on. Check.
Of course, top on the list was my OLEIA Oil Peppermint bottle, my to-go buddy.
Whenever I leave the house, I make sure that I always have it with me. It’s like a handy first-aid tool.
Finally, Saturday came. I left the house with so much anticipation. For what? I wasn’t sure. It was unexplainable. It seems like I was a child going for a vacation with the family.
And the friend who was my companion for the weekend break was more like a family. The public ride was like a breeze.
We met our colleagues, said HI’s and Hello’s and then off to a long winding road of sharing stories of how our lives have been in the past. Stories flowed from deep conversations about life, lessons learned, wisdom shared and more. It was fun.
When we were about to say goodbye, our colleagues invited us to join the online group meditation nearby.
Initially, my friend and I hesitated. We were planning to go to a food park after meeting our colleagues.
However, we were seemingly being pulled to join the group.
So… we let go of the idea of going to the food park and joined them in the group meditation. Maybe, much greater things were in store for us, so we thought.
And true enough…
After the meditation, our whole being was filled with love, peace and joy. The experience was way beyond ordinary. As if we’ve just gone through a very relaxing and rejuvenating vacation.
Lesson learned: we get too rigid with ourselves sometimes. We want everything to be aligned to the plan.
Little do we know that there are times that we just have to flow with the situation; and it makes life easier. We can ride the tide, swim up, dive down, roll with the sand. We get bruised, scratched, or sore. Only to discover later, that we’re stronger with the scars.
Like OLEIA Oil. As I let it flow into my hand, it touches my skin, like my body lotion. It helps soothe my stress headache, calms my muscle cramps, and relieves my dizziness. Even when I’m out of home.
When things are out of your way, let it flow like Oleia Oil to save the day.