Essential oils provide a fantastic natural alternative to common ailments we see at home. The actions of essential oils are broad, ranging from topical antiseptics, anti-inflammatories to analgesics and anti-depressants.
While essential oils should not be a substitute for professional medical care, they can be successfully employed for many minor complaints, and as adjuncts to other therapies.

Using essential oils in various places throughout your home can bring a sense of peace, tranquility, and refreshing. It can also bring a newfound zesty appeal and at the same time, help bring emotional stability in our minds. You can change the mood of your home easily by changing the blend of oils you use.
Like it or not, homes can be full of bad smells, germs, and dirt. The first products people usually turn to are strong chemical solutions. These aren't particularly healthy, and can have unpleasant odors of their own. Perhaps a better type of product to reach for is essential oils. Essential oils can be used for many different household problems. Tea tree and eucalyptus oils are considered to be highly effective anti-bacterial essential oils.
We also know that essential oils used as a topical treatment have been known to exhibit anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic responses.
Topical treatments are normally diluted mixes of essential oils with carrier oil like Oleia Topical Oil.
Oleia Topical Oil is a ready-to-use essential oil such as Lavender, Peppermint, Chamomile, Frankincense, Tangerine, diluted in a specially formulated blend of carrier oils such as olive oil, pomegranate seed oil, moringa seed oil, VCO and nutmeg oil.
Essential oils like lavender and tangerine have been used in the treatment of acne, athlete's foot, eczema and other skin ailments.
Frankincense essential oil, for example has been noted to reduce scarring tissue and stretch marks and used to treat coughs, bronchitis and asthma as well.
Essential oils have also been used to treat insect bites as well as act as insect repellant. There are so many uses!
The miracle of essential oils is this: that we have already been provided with all of what we need for our physical and emotional healing. Many of the ailments we suffer are the results of destructive emotions such as stress, fatigue, anger, loneliness and the like.
The miracle of essential oils is that no matter what your physical condition may be, you can still receive positive benefits even though it may be something as small as reducing the amount of pain you experience.